Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation Donates $100,000 to American Red Cross for Disaster Relief

Did you know a smile can be detected from over 300 feet away? How much does a smile make a person seem more approachable to you? It’s pretty safe to say that our smiles have a considerable impact not only on ourselves but everyone around us. So regardless of the muscles required, wouldn’t it seem that everyone is deserving of a full functioning beautiful smile?
Irving Moskowitz and Mrs. Cherna Moskowitz understand that education is extremely critical in the development of children. Their foundation, the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation, has wholeheartedly made a generous donation in the amount of $30,000 to Fedde Middle School in Hawaiian Gardens, California. Fedde Middle School will use the donation to purchase Apple iPads for their students.
Tablet computing and personal electronic devices such as iPads promise to have a dramatic impact on education. The convenience and user friendliness the iPads will be beneficial to students and will become a valuable asset to their education. Educators view the iPads as a new teaching tool with the potential to get students interested in learning in new and exciting ways. With these magazine-sized devices students can explore everything from mathematics to the physical matter that makes up the universe. The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation anticipates that students will be captivated by these new gadgets and they will provide a creative learning experience on these portable devices. Motivating a student’s interest in education and technology is a win-win for everyone.
Dr. and Mrs. Moskowitz proudly sponsor education and feel that it is a vital for their long term success. There are a significant number of students who drop out of school during the middle school years. Dr. and Mrs. Irving Moskowitz hope that their donation can help to reduce the dropout rate. For far too long programs that affect America’s most vulnerable population have seen little investment, as children fail to get the services and the support they need. This is why the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation can no longer wait to invest in the education of our children.
Fedde Middle School is an international studies academy modeled after the world-renowned international baccalaureate program. This school consists of sixth and seventh graders. At Fedde Middle School students focus on programs such as English, literature, academic Spanish, humanities, mathematics, visual and performing arts and many others. This donation is not just the right thing to do, but rather it is the smartest investment we can make for our nation’s future. With the Irving Moskowitz charitable donation, the student’s future looks bright.
Dr. Irving Moskowitz himself believes that education is an extremely important part of every person’s development. He followed his own educational goals by attending the University of Wisconsin where he received the Phi Beta Sigma scholastic award for academic excellence. After Dr. Moskowitz received his Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Science he began practicing medicine in Long Beach, California. Dr. Irving and Mrs. Cherna Moskowitz believe in investing in education, which in return will improve the quality of life. An investment in our youth’s education is an investment in our future.
With great pleasure the Irving Moskowitz Foundation has made a donation to Su Casa Ending Domestic Violence. The Su Casa organization is a nonprofit, community-based organization dedicated to the philosophy that every individual has the right to live free from violence or the threat of violence.
Dr. Irving I. Moskowitz and Mrs. Cherna Moskowitz donated through their foundation $500 to Su Casa. With the foundation’s donation Su Casa will be able to help provide temporary housing, food and clothing as well as any transitional help that may be required. This donation will also help with training programs, counseling, parenting classes and legal costs.
All services provided at Su Casa are free of charge, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ability and/or socioeconomic status. They made this donation during Su Casa’s 30th Anniversary Gala. This generous donation secured the Moskowitz Foundation at the level of Peace Sponsors.
Su Casa and other similar non-profit organization are crucial in ending domestic violence. Helping people find the right step towards safety from domestic violence is something the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation is dedicated to. Dr. Irving I. Moskowitz believes that everyone deserves a fresh start in life and free from violence. For 30 years Su Casa has worked to empower individuals and families to live free from domestic abuse and violence and to build partnerships with the community to end domestic violence.
The Irving Moskowitz Foundation is proud to team with Su Casa. Together they will be able to secure a better future for those currently in the program and hopefully one day rid the need for such programs to exist. A community of peace is something that both Dr. Irving and Mrs. Cherna Moskowitz wish to see occur. In the United States a woman is abused every nine seconds and with the help of the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation that statistic will be reduced. Cherna Moskowitz feels very strongly in ending the suffering of women and children who are abused everyday.
Mrs. Cherna Moskowitz serves as president of the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation. Annually, the costs of domestic violence exceed $5 billion, including $4 billion in direct health care expenses. This is a sad statistic; however, with the help of the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation, these costs can be minimized.
The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation was established in 1968 by Dr. Irving I. Moskowitz to help people in need regardless of race, creed, politics or religion. The Foundation is a charitable, non-profit foundation dedicated to improving and enriching the lives of people based on the precept, “He who has saved one life, it is as if he has saved the world.” Dr. Irving I. Moskowitz believes that through his community outreach he can make this world a better place, and we agree.